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Der Gordische Knoten by the artist Hans Peter Adamski

Hans Peter Adamski

born 1947 in Kloster Oesede, lives in Berlin.

A light shaft running through all the floors of the Jakob Kaiser Building is the site chosen by Hans Peter Adamski for his artistic intervention. Formerly a member of the Cologne artists group “Mülheimer Freiheit”, Adamski has installed four silhouette-like twisted ribbons – in varying shades from grey to violet to black and back to grey – which run the entire length of the wall. They ascend in parallel rows from the bottom of the shaft; the colour at...

Georg Baselitz

born 1938 in Deutschbaselitz/Saxony, lives in Derneburg/Lower Saxony and Imperia/Italy.

In two large canvases located in the south entrance hall, Georg Baselitz takes up motifs from works by the Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840). As has been his practice since the late 1960s, here too he places the motifs on their heads in order to give priority to the formal struc­ture of the compositions.

His “Friedrich’s Woman on the Abyss” and “Friedrich’s Melancholy” are based on woodcuts of ...

Joseph Beuys

Born in the city of Krefeld in 1921, died in Düsseldorf in 1986.

Beuys is generally recognised as one of the most important artists of our age. His outstanding significance lies in the fact that he propagated a synthesis of life and art and, with the courageous tenacity of an outsider, succeeded in attaining that ideal in his career. Beuys’s training and practice as a sculptor prepared him for the development of ‘social sculpture’. This concept necessarily entailed the artist involving himself in...

“Archive of German Members of Parlia­ment”

Christian Boltanski

Archive of German Members of Parliament

The main theme of French artist Christian Boltanski’s work is the question of how we perceive the past. His installation Archive of German Members of Parliament, created for the basement on the east side of the Reichstag Building, is related intimately to the building’s past and present. Some 5,000 metal boxes bear the names of all the democratically elected Members of Germany’s parliaments from 1919: the National Assembly (the constitutional convention of ...

Leben über alles befindet sich im Clubreim des Reichstagsgebäudes

Grisha Bruskin

born 1945 in Moscow, lives in New York.

In his triptych “Life Above All”, located in the parliamentary club room of the Reichstag Building, Russian artist Grisha Bruskin ironically comments on ideological myths, in particular those promulgated by the ‘sculpture mania’ that prevailed in the Soviet Union and attempted to use art for the purposes of indoctrination. Arranged like a wall of icons in a Russian Orthodox church, 115 individual pictures hang above – monochrome white outlines identifiable ...

„Seats of Power - Spheres of Influence“ by Angela Bulloch in Paul-Löbe-Haus

Angela Bulloch

born 1966 in Ontario/Canada, lives in Berlin and London.

British artist Angela Bulloch creates a subtle link between Members of the Bun­destag and visitors in a cleverly suggestive installation: when someone sits down on one of the coloured benches in the foyer outside the conference room of the European Committee, electrical contacts cause a matching coloured light to be illuminated in the foyer of the visitors’ restaurant on the floor below. Those who are sitting on the benches in the “Seats of ...

Three of the twelve colour photographs and books in the Marie-Elisabeth Lüders Building

Sophie Calle

Deutsch  English  Français

Die Entfernung - The Detachment

"To record this process, I visited places from which symbols of GDR history have been effaced. I asked passers-by and residents to describe the objects that once filled these empty spaces. I photographed their absence and replaced the missing monuments with their memories." (Sophie Calle)

Succinctly and precisely, the artist describes the concept behind her installation "Die Entfernung - The Detachment", in which she graphically demonstrates ...


Born in the town of Gabrovo, Bulgaria, in 1935, died 2020 in New York City

A study made by Christo in 1986 in connection with his Wrapped Reichstag project is displayed in the rooftop restaurant of the Reichstag Building. Christo and Jeanne-Claude had to fight for almost two decades before this design sketch could be made a reality with the wrapping of the Reichstag Building. Looking at the study with its muted colouring, one recalls that Christo and his wife, Jeanne-Claude, spent more than two d...

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