The Parliamentary Archives - Parliament's Memory

Cover of an edition of the Basic Law (© German Bundestag / Stela Saric)
In the Parliamentary Archives, the records of the German Bundestag are preserved, catalogued, indexed and made available for internal and external use. The Parliamentary Archives also prepare documentation and reference materials.
The Archives’ holdings include files, printed papers, minutes of proceedings, Internet pages, photographs and images as well as video recordings of plenary sittings, public committee meetings, and other parliamentary events.
The Parliamentary Archives compile all documents relating to the passage of legislation in the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, thereby creating a comprehensive set of documentation for each individual law.
The Parliamentary Archives also produce various essential reference materials about the work of the German Bundestag, notably Part I of the Official Handbook of the German Bundestag, the Data Handbook on the History of the German Bundestag, and the Public List of Associations Registered with the German Bundestag.