
European policy at the German Bundestag

Flag of the EU

European policy in the German Bundestag

Germany was a founder member of the European Union (EU), which currently has a total of 27 Member States. Originally founded in 1957 as the European Economic Community (EEC), the EU can look back on a more than 50-year process of development and integration, during which it has increasingly become a political union. More than half of the EU Member States use a single currency, the euro. European law is created by a large number of regulations and directives, further intensifying cooperation in E...

EU flags displayed on a conference table.

Committee on the Affairs of the European Union

The German Bundestag works together with the European Parliament

The Bundestag's rights to participate in EU affairs

A committee meeting in the Europa Room

Europe in the committees

Flags in front of the parliamentary builing in Strasbourg

Cooperation of Parliaments in Europe

The German Bundestag's Liaison Office in Brussels

Brussels Office