The Presidium of the German Bundestag
At its first sitting following the elections on 26 September 2021, the German Bundestag elected Bärbel Bas of the SPD as its new President. The Member of Parliament from Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, received 576 of the 724 votes cast. 90 Members voted against her and there were 58 abstentions. Bärbel Bas follows Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU/CSU), who opened the constituent sitting on 26 October 2021 as President by Seniority.
Vice-Presidents elected
The Members elected as Vice-Presidents were Aydan Özoğuz (SPD) from Hamburg, who received 544 votes in her favour and 127 against, with 55 abstentions and one invalid vote; Yvonne Magwas (CDU/CSU) of Saxony, who received 600 votes in her favour and 62 against, with 60 abstentions and five invalid votes; Claudia Roth (Alliance 90/The Greens) of Bavaria with 565 votes in her favour and 111 against, with 50 abstentions and one invalid vote; Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP) of Schleswig-Holstein, who received 564 votes in his favour and 91 against, with 69 abstentions and three invalid votes; Petra Pau (The Left Party) from Berlin, who received 484 votes in her favour and 163 against, with 76 abstentions and four invalid votes.
Roth, Kubicki and Pau were re-elected to these positions. Claudia Roth stepped down from the Presidium, however, on 8 December 2021 following her appointment as Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. Her successor was elected by the Bundestag on 9 December 2021, with the position of Vice-President going to Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Alliance 90/The Greens) of Thuringia, who received 501 votes in her favour and 140 against, with 48 abstentions. Göring-Eckardt had previously been Vice-President of the Bundestag from 2005 until 2013, and was co-chair of her parliamentary group from 2013 to 2018.
Kubicki has been Vice-President of the Bundestag since 2017 and Pau since 2006, making her the longest serving of the current Vice-Presidents. All of those elected exceeded the required minimum 369 votes.