German Bundestag - Homepage

Distribution of seats in the 21st German Bundestag

CDU/CSU to be the largest group in the new Bundestag

In the Bundestag election on Sunday, 23 February, the CDU/CSU received 28.6 per cent of the second votes cast (208 seats). The AfD, at 20.8 per cent, will be the second-largest group (152 seats). The SPD’s share of the second votes cast fell to 16.4 per cent (120 seats), while Alliance 90/The Greens declined to 11.6 per cent (85 seats). The Left Party increased its number of seats and reached 8.8 per cent of the vote (64 seats). The FDP and BSW fell short of entering Parliament.     

View of the West Portal of the Reichstag Building, the seat of the German Bundestag

The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany

The German Bundestag is the national parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its seat is the Reichstag Building in Berlin. In the current electoral term, Parliament is composed of 733 Members. This is the 20th electoral term since the establishment of the Federal Republic in 1949. The President of the Bundestag holds the second highest office of state in Germany, after the Federal President. Bärbel Bas (SPD) has been President of the Bundestag since October 2021.

The dome of the Reichstag Building

Current information on visiting the German Bundestag

A view of the plenary chamber

Plenary business

a committee room


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